Bok Choy With Chicken And Shrimp Type: Entree Bok Choy with Chicken and Shrimp is a Cambodian Food Recipe sauteed and served over noodles. Ingredients 3 cups brown rice 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup Fish Sauce 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons rice wine 1 teaspoon sesame oil 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 3 Handfulls of …

Best Asian Breakfast Muesli
Muesli A Favorite Healthy Breakfast. Muesli is not a typical Cambodian meal ingredient, however I have found that the Mulberry Tree brand, called Roasted Almond Crunch, to be a wonderful ingredient for a lot of my new stir fry experiments as well as an addition to a lot of old favorites. Roasted Almond Crunch a …

Organic Kombucha Tea Cocktails
Organic Kombucha Tea Category: Beverages, Teas Ingredients: Pep Tea brand Fruit flavored Kombucha, Fresh Fruit. Kombucha is an ancient Chinese fermented tea beverage drunk as a health elixir. When brewed and fermented properly Kombucha is loaded with raw live healthy probiotics. Kombucha on its own can make a nice fruity cocktail, with added fresh fruits …

Organic Matcha Tea a Healthy Beverage
Matcha Tea Category: Beverage Ingredients : Match Tea Powder, Hot Water. Matcha Tea is made simply by adding a small spoonful of Match tea powder to hot water and whisking it. Matcha Tea is not strictly a Cambodian invention even though its widely consumed throughout Cambodia and all of Asia. Matcha tea is an ancient …